We did the major scenography elements for the exhibition in the new educational pavilion. The main goal of the exhibition: 'Two Poles - the Whole World' is to call the people's attention to the protection of the Polar Regions.
The construction of the igloo tent (9m diameter) was a real challenge for our team; however the most demanding job for me and Ewa Stawiarska was the Mr. Krill model. We are convinced that an Arctic inhabitant – a fabulous unicorn, narwhale (Monodon monoceros), will be an exceptional curiosity for the Zoo visitors.
Our team: Ewa Stawiarska, Tomasz Okręglicki, Grzegorz Pawliński, Grzegorz Mozal, Jarosław Kołodziejski, Piotr Menducki and special thanks to "Jasio".